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Energy Master Planning 

Exhibitor Demonstration 

Washington, DC 

December 5, 2017 

Energy Master Planning

Exhibitor Demonstration 

SC-B Consulting, Inc. would like to invite exhibitors to demonstrate their technologies at the 3 hour evening

reception for the Energy Master Planning for Resilient Military Installations Training Workshop. 
Exhibitor space is limited, register today!

Exhibitors Only


December 5, 2017


5pm - 8pm


2301 Constitution Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20037

  • Space in Leland Atrium 
  • (one) 6’ Banquet Table 
  • Table Cloth & Skirt
  • Easel
  • Electricity




300 Army Navy Drive      Arlington, Virginia, 22202-2891
Phone: (703) 416-4100
Reduced rates available through
November 8th, 2017.
For additional information or questions concerning your Exhibitor Demonstration contact Sharie Carter-Bane at (877) 852-2835 ext. 101 or E-Mail:
Energy Master Planning for Resilient Military Installations Training Workshop -
Additional Information
The Federal Facilities Council of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine in partnership with the International Energy Agency EBC Program Annex 73, OSD (IEE), DASA (IEE), US Army Corps of Engineers, the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers and the U.S. Department of Energy (FEMP) is hosting the “Energy Planning for Resilient Military Installations” Training Workshop to be held in Washington, D.C. at the National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (2101 Constitution Ave., N.W.) on December 5-6, 2017.
Formal presentations by international experts will be complemented by moderated formal and informal discussions, networking and technical exhibits demonstrating the state-of-the-art technologies and best practices used in energy planning for resilient military installation projects.  This forum is designed for decision makers, public building owners, energy managers, planners, engineers, architects, energy performance companies and industry partners involved in Energy Master Planning. 
Workshop topics will include:
  • DOD Requirements to Installation Energy Plans (IEP)
  • Establishing energy goals
  • Data required for Installation Energy Planning
  • Scope and boundaries of IEPs
  • Establishing the Baseline, Base Case and Scenarios
  • Mission critical facilities and their energy requirements
  • Energy Supply strategies
  • Power and thermal microgrids for mission critical facilities
  • Resilience of energy systems, its matrix and evaluation  
  • Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis
  • Tools for Installation-wide Energy Planning
  • Implementations strategies
  • Examples of best practices
Exhibits will be available to attendees during the Networking Reception on Tuesday, December 5th.

For Technical questions about the “Energy Planning for Resilient Military Installations” Training Workshop, please contact: Dr. Alexander Zhivov, US Army ERDC-CERL, U.S.A. E-Mail:

Please visit “Energy Planning for Resilient Military Installations” Training Workshop, For additional details or to register.
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