SC-B Letter to Our Partners: COVID-19 Response
To our valued partners: Together, across the globe, we are facing a truly unprecedented situation. This is a challenging time for all of...

Green is way better than diamonds!
Green is way better than diamonds! Blog Post By: Sharie Carter-Bane July 8, 2019 The end of June I decided to visit my favorite Aunt and...

Kansas City Developer Conference
At SC-B, we actively support professional development for our staff, which can include things like professional certifications, ongoing...

Clean Desk Policy
“Cleanliness is next to godliness” is a phrase that encourages neatness and hygiene. In the office, keeping a clean desk will also help...

#Quotefortheday #Consulting

Sorting Matters!
Waste management is a tricky procedure and many industries, cities, and major organizations are constantly trying to up their waste...

Is it Time to Upgrade Your HVAC System
Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning system(HVAC) is the most energy consuming module of a building’s energy system. Several times...

Fix The System Before It's Too Late
New buildings are often perceived to have efficient energy performance. The functionality of the mechanical and electrical systems are...

Energy Efficiency in Multi-Family Housing Communities
Energy efficiency is one of the most required building criteria for a sustainable society. Achieving energy efficiency in multi-family...